

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Cranford Ferry - May 5

My first dive of the season was on Saturday, May 5th, with Anthony C.  We signed up with Jim Wilson on his 50 foot Evans dive boat, The Gypsy Blood, from Brielle, NJ.  This boat can easily hold over a dozen divers comfortably, and probably more.  I don't think there were more than three paid divers, plus crew, for this dive.  We pretty much had the boat to ourselves.  We left under fairly flat seas with moderate fog to the artificial reef "Cranford Ferry", which was sunk as part of the Sea Girt reef in the 1980's.

We hit the water for a 45 minute tour of the reef remains.  Not much to see in the way of fish, except for the largest blackfish I've ever seen, probably over 10 pounds.  Too bad they were out of season, as well as black sea bass.  The only things we could bring up were flatties or cod, which I saw none of on this dive.  We hit a max. depth of about 67', and had viz. of only 10' or so.  Water temps were in the mid 40's with no thermocline.  Conditions deteriorated during this dive, and we headed in after only one dive.  We were back at the dock by 10:00'ish

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